David Rabbitt

Supervisor David Rabbitt was elected to his fourth term representing the Second District of Sonoma County in June 2022. He was first elected to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors in November 2010 after serving four years on the Petaluma City Council. The Supervisor served two consecutive terms as Chair of the Board of Supervisors in 2013 and 2014, and again served as Chair in 2019. He will be serving as Vice-Chair in 2023. Supervisor Rabbitt serves on several local, regional, state and national boards. Currently, along with his local governmental committees, Supervisor Rabbitt serves as: Immediate Past President of the Association of Bay Area Governments; Director on the Golden Gate Bridge District; Commissioner on the Metropolitan Transportation Commission; Chair of the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit; Chair of the North Bay Water Reuse Authority; Founding Director and Chair on the Renewal Enterprise District JPA; Director on the Sonoma County Transportation Authority and Regional Climate Protection Authority; Committee member on the National Association of Counties’ Finance, Pensions, and Intergovernmental Affairs Steering Committee and has been appointed to three terms by the Governor to represent local government on the California Seismic Safety Commission. Supervisor Rabbitt is an architect having earned his architectural degree at the University of Oregon. He lives in Petaluma with his wife Jane, a Nurse at UCSF, and has three adult children.