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Purpose & Methodology

MJC prepared the following focused, relatively short, but detailed economic context for this economic strategy to ground all partners in a solid understanding of the key economic trends of our regional economy. The analysis was developed by analyzing, summarizing and organizing information, data and conclusions from the following sources:

  • Regional Economic Analysis Project website
  • Industry Clusters and Employment Multipliers Key Findings Mendocino County, California; Dr. Wallace Walrod; TCCG Tech Coast Consulting Group LLC, July 2020
  • Mendocino County Economic Status Report, EDFC, 2021.
    This analysis concludes that while Mendocino and Sonoma County are adjacent, have similar landscapes, and are both coastal, the counties have dissimilar demographics and economies. Mendocino’s economy is much smaller, less diversified and more vulnerable to economic disruptions, it also has fewer institutional resources to utilize in economic development efforts. Sonoma County on the other hand has a larger, more robust, and diversified economy that provides more job opportunities and a higher quality of living. They, therefore, require a different emphasis and approach to economic development. The economies differ from each other to a large degree because Sonoma is closer and more connected to the Bay Area economy. Mendocino on the other hand is more remote and more rural. Moreover, Mendocino has not as effectively diversified from the jobs lost to the decline in the fishing and forestry sectors.